Workshop of Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (De-risking project) in Brussels

At the invitation of EC, Mr. Dimitar Doukov took part in workshop of Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (De-risking project) in Brussels. There were presented the results from the implemented analysis of more than 4000 energy efficiency project in the frames of EU. EERSF presented extract from its data base for the implemented via Fund’s financing support projects in Bulgaria, for the purpose of the study. Irrespectively of the lower life standard in Bulgaria, the pay-back period of the EE investments are comparative with the other countries. The shortest (at about 3 years) are the pay-back periods of the industry projects, and the longest pay-back periods are registered in building sector (12 – 15 years), where all possible measures are to be fulfilled in order to be achieved higher class of energy consumption than the required in the country at this stage.