Loans and Cessions

Direct financing

Beneficiaries Annual Fee Investment rates (BGN) Maximal Tenor Beneficiaries’ minimal participation
Corporate clients,
4,5% – 6% 30 000 – 1 000 000 up to 10 years 10%
4% – 5% 1 000 001 – 3 000 000*

*The low interest rate range for large projects (over BGN 1 mln.) is applicable for loans with a minimum amount of BGN 800 thousand.

  1. The annual rate is fixed for the entire term of the loan
  2. There are no additional conditions on the loan / fees (including fees for preliminary redemption after the third year of the credit*)
  3. In case of bridge financing on EU programs financing can be up to 100%
* In case of bridge financing on EU programs, fee for preliminary redemption is not payable


Beneficiaries Annual Fee Investment rates (BGN) Maximal Tenor Beneficiaries’ minimal participation
Corporate clients,
4,5% – 6% 30 000 – 3 000 000 up to 10 years 10%
** ESCO – Energy Services COmpany – Company for providing of energy services