Climate Protection and Efficiency Policies in the European Union
On 17th of July, 2014 in the building of Ministry of Environment and Water (67 “William Gladstone” Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria) was held an workshop with subject “Climate Protection and Efficiency Policies in the European Union”. It was organized together with representatives of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy. The event was attended by experts from Rumanian Ministry of Economy, Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy, Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Waters, Commercial Department of Germany Embassy and Berlin Energy Agency.
The workshop is a part of the project “Climate Protection and Efficiency Policies in the European Union” of German Federal Ministry of Environment, that analyses the measures’ and tools’ combination in the EU relevant to energy efficiency as main element at achievement of national and international goals for climate change mitigation.
The Executive Director of EERSF – Mr. Dimitar Doukov, presented the Fund as part of section “Financial incentives to increase energy efficiency”.