International business meeting – Energy efficiency remediation of public buildings in Bulgarian municipalities

On the 30th of March 2011, in “Varna” hall at Varna municipality building, “International business meeting – Energy efficiency remediation of public buildings in Bulgarian municipalities – challenges, decisions, good practices and following steps” took place.

Sponsors of the meeting were the Association of Bulgarian Black sea Municipalities and Association of local regional Norway authorities. Among the official guests were – ambassador of Norway in Bulgaria – her highness Tove Scarschtein, the EU Funds Management Minister Tomislav Donchev, the Executive director of National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria – Mrs.Ginka Chavdarova, the Executive director of Energy efficiency agency – Mr. Kolio Kolev, the Executive director of Energy Efficiency Fund – Mr. Dimitar Dukov, majors and municiapality experts from Norway and Bulgaria.

Mr. D.Dukov had presentation on “Financial instruments for execution of municipality energy program”. He settles on the financial products of BEEF (Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund), types of financed projects, the requirements for approval and not on the last place – the terms for financing.