Stara Zagora became entertainer of Energy efficiency and RES Forum

Stara Zagora Chamber of Commerce and the Agency for regional economic development of Stara Zagora, with the support of Stara Zagora Regional Administration and Energy Efficiency Agency – altogether organized forum “Possibilities for financing Energy efficiency and RES projects”. The deputy governor Mr. Dimiat Drachev welcomed all the of the participants of the event, which took place on the 10-th of March 2011 in “Zaharii Kniajevski” regional library.

The forum presented different possibilities for financing energy efficiency projects and RES in the private, public and urban sector, as well as grant schemes for these projects in Operational programs “Regional development” and “Competitiveness”.

Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund was represented in front of the more than one hundred people audience with presentation on topic “Possibilities for financing EE projects”. The executive director of Energy Efficiency Agency – Mr. Kolio Kolev presented the actual energy efficiency status of Bulgaria.

What’s new is that on the 2nd of March was concluded a memorandum of understanding between the managing authority of the OP “Competitiveness” – Ministry of economy, energy and tourism and EBRD, according to whicj Bulgarian business will obtain up to Euro 350 million, that is combination between grant and assured financing from EBRD of EE projects and energy savings in industry.