Bulgarian Eco-Municipalities 2017

The Executive Director of EERSF took a participation in an event, organized by the French Embassy. Eight Municipalities were prize winners for their efforts in sustainable management of the resources and environment preservation.

Donors Assembly Session

Mr. Nikolai Nalbantov, Chair of EERSF Management Board, convenes a supplemental Donors’ Assembly Session, which will be held on June 28, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at 821st hall, 8th floor of the Ministry of Energy – 8 “Triaditsa” Str., Sofia City, with the following AGENDA: Releasing of Mrs. Iordanka Fikirliiska from EERSF’s Management Board at… Read more

Donors Assembly Session

Mr. Nikolai Nalbantov, Chair of EERSF Management Board, convenes a regular Donors’ Assembly Session, which will be held on March 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at 821st hall, 8th floor of the Ministry of Energy – 8 “Triaditsa” Str., Sofia City, with the following AGENDA: Approval of EERSF’s budget performance for 2016. Approval of business-plan… Read more

New Investor Network Aims to Close the Gap on Energy Efficiency Financing

Financiers of energy efficiency projects are joining forces with the launch of a new Investor Network to drive demand in the marketplace. Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, the Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Europe hosts the Investor Network – a critical link in ICP’s plan to connect real estate developers and energy efficiency… Read more

EERSF Donors’ Assembly (DA) was held on February 03, 2016

On the 3rd of February 2016 an ordinary session of EERSF Donors’ Assembly was held in the Ministry of Energy. Agenda of the session included the following topics: Approval of EERSF’s Annual Activity Report and Financial Statement for 2015 and submitting for auditing to selected chartered accountant; Approval of EERSF’s business-plan and budget for 2016;… Read more

Donors’ Assembly Session

Mr. Lachezar Borisov, Chair of EERSF Management Board, convenes a regular Donors’ Assembly Session, which will be held on February 03, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at 821st hall, 8th floor of the Ministry of Energy – 8 “Triaditsa” Str., with the following AGENDA: Approval of EERSF’s annual Activity Report for 2015; Approval of EERSF’s business-plan… Read more

EERSF Donors Assembly (DA) was carried out on September 15, 2015

On the 15th of September 2015 an extraordinary session of EERSF Donor’s Assembly was held in the Ministry of Energy. Agenda of the session included the following topics: Approval of EERSF’s Activity Report; Approval of EERSF’s budget performance report as of June 10, 2015; Approval of Fund’s targets and tasks for subsequent period; Approval of… Read more

Donors campaign

The Management Board of EERSF announces the start of a donors’ campaign for gathering of donations in favor of the Fund, which will provide the right of voting and participation in the Donor’s Assembly. The term for gathering of donations is from July 14, 2015 to September 14, 2015. Address for applications: 4 “Kuzman Shapkarev”… Read more

Information workshops from SEDA’s (Sustainable Energy Development Agency) campaign for creation of prerequisites for introduction of new financial tools – WHITE CERTIFICATES FOR ENERGY SAVINGS

SEDA organized 6 information workshops in the six planning regions in Bulgaria, which was a part of the campaign on introduction of White certificates for energy savings. Through organizing of specialized information workshops in six big Bulgarian cities, SEDA’s campaign aims to stimulate participation in this mechanism not just of the obliged by the Energy… Read more