Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund took part in specialised seminar, concerning Energy management and Energy services performance – European laws and standards
On 19th and 20th of January 2012 in the town of Pleven, representatives of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund took part in seminar regarding Energy management and Energy services permormance – European laws and standards. The seminar was sponsored by Bulgarian Institute for Standartisation, within the project “Improoving the standartization system in Bulgaria”, financed under OP “Competitiveness of Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013”.
Directive 2006/32/EC which concerns energy efficiency for end-users and energy services performance was presented at the seminar as well as its implementation in Bulgarian legislation.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund activity was presented by Mr. Dimitar Dukov- Executive director of the Fund as part of the seminar.
Other themes of the program included topics about energy management of building and industrial systems, public buildings energy management concepts, etc.