Over 100 projects financed by Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund
The Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund (BEEF) financed more than 100 energy efficiency projects from the beginning of its foundation in 2006 until now.
BEEF offers financing of energy efficiency projects for municipalities and corporate enterprises without complicated procedures and additional conditions for credits, with no aggravated fees for the borrower. Monthly payment plan is prepared according to clients needs and is subject of negotiation.
BEEF addresses its clients directly. BEFF specialists provide free consultations and assessment of energy audits, as well as assistance on preparation of tender documentation on selection of contractor.
Till now no customer of BEEF has been denied financing provided that they meet the technical and financial requirements: project value from BGN 30 000 to BGN 3 million; term of payback up to 5 years and implementation of proven energy efficiency technologies. BEEF follows methods and rules, developed with the technical assistance of the World bank and approved by Bulgarian government.
Financed projects at the moments amount to 105. Total project value is BGN 45 million. From these 54 are given to municipalities, 7 to universities, 7 to hospitals and 37 to corporate clients.
For the period 2006 till now, The Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund had funded guarantees for 31 projects, with the total amount of BGN 21.8 mlllion.